Bologna and the Nutelleria

I wish I had known such a place existed before I visited Bologna! Just a great excuse to go back!

What does World Diabetes Day mean to me?

Take Steps for GOOD HEALTH


On Sunday 1st December 2013 I will be walking 4 km to raise money for Diabetes Victoria.

Doing this walk is important to me and to my fellow Diabetes community. Now; I’m not the fittest person nor do I like exercise. But; to raise money which will go towards ongoing support and research for me and my fellow D Peeps  I think I can handle  a leisurely stroll around the TAN on the first day of SUMMER.

I have registered a team ‘DIABETES MAFIA’ and want to generate as much support as I can. My team  is open to anyone and I would love for you; or anyone else you think would like to support me and my team; to join.

You can register by following:

Click on ‘REGISTER’

Choose ‘I am a Participant’

Choose ‘I am part of a Team’

Type in DIABETES MAFIA as the team name.

My details will be next to the team name,just hit ‘Join’

You can choose to do a Walk or Run it’s entirely up to you.

Alternatively you can make a donation if you don’t wish to participate in the Walk or Run on the day.

Other up and coming D EVENTS to end a very eventful 2013 are below:

World Diabetes Day on Thursday 14 November 2013

World Diabetes Congress is being held in my very own MELBOURNE

2-6 December 2013

Pump It Up

You’re not the only one

Everyone has a story to tell its just different from the next person.
Having Diabetes doesn’t define me and I hate how people will always say ‘ I didn’t know you are a Diabetic’ they seem to say it like I’m an Extra Terrestrial from out of space! I’m not a Diabetic, but I have Diabetes. I manage it 24 hours, 7 days a week 365 days a year and so far a total of 17 years. That’s countless amounts of finger pricks, jabbing needles into my body, now changing cannula sights from moving to a Pump, counting carbs, having hypos and hearing dumb ass people ask: should you be eating that?

What of it? I manage this chronic disease to the best of my ability with the same gusto and determination I put into most things life throws at me; sometimes I wish it would just FUCK right off. Sadly this will probably never happen in my lifetime; since being diagnosed I’ve been told about that elusive ‘Cure’ that’s just around the corner. Here I am 17 years later still waiting for it…… This is when you need to take a step back and think jeez my life isn’t so bad. I’m thankful I have modern medicine that helps me manage my condition and a great support network of peers and HCP’s who help me continue to live with no complications that Type 1 Diabetes can bring. I’m thankful I live in a county that allows me to access everything I need to manage my Diabetes; to those who sweat the small stuff. Why? Wake up and smell the roses and be thankful you have a perfectly functioning pancreas; unlike me.

If you are like me managing a chronic illness; or just feeling a little sorry for yourself just remember someone else is feeling down and out just like YOU theirs is just a different story.


Let the 12WBT Challenge Begin


It may be February of the new year, but it’s NEVER too late to start a NEW challenge! Being a Type 1 Diabetic has its own challenges everyday. It KICKS you in the butt when you least expect it or its smooth sailing for a while. You can be high as a Kite, but come crashing back down and you’re left to wonder WHY? HOW? I’m sure I bolused and counted my CARBS correctly. WTF went wrong??  Life is full of challenges and hey; I thought I’d throw another something into the mix……I have joined the @12WBT!

What’s this you ask? You can find out here


@MishBridges  has inspired me to finally take a reality check and take ownership of my Healthier and Fitter soon to be self. It seems a light switch has finally gone on for me; to do something about becoming a STRONGER, DETERMINED, POWERFUL and EMPOWERED person. The mind is a powerful thing people, and I have let the self-doubt and negative voices in my head get to me for far too long! It’s time people, time for Pedro the Pump and I to set, yet another challenge for ourselves…..

Wish me luck for the next 12 weeks of self discovery and the healing powers I know are within me.

Challenge begins Monday 11 FEB 2013


Note: I am not receiving any payment for taking part in the 12WBT challenge. I have joined of my own accord . There is no arrangement for me to write about my experience with this Fitness Challenge.  I hope to inspire the rest of the 12WBT team members who have joined this round like me.

#WhereThePumpAreYou As I am celebrating @nutelladay in Oz, my local supermarket was the place to visit for all things #Nutella @kikisbetes #OzDOC #DOC #Diabetes

#WhereThePumpAreYou As I am celebrating @nutelladay in Oz, my local supermarket was the place to visit for all things #Nutella @kikisbetes #OzDOC #DOC #Diabetes.


#WhereThePumpAreYou As I am celebrating @nutelladay in Oz, my local supermarket was the place to visit for all things #Nutella @kikisbetes #OzDOC #DOC #Diabetes



A great initiative by the American Diabetes Association’s Chicago Chapter.
Thank you kiki for bringing this to the attention of all #DOC Folk The #OzDOC are joining the fun!

Laughter is the best Medicine. Unless………..

Makes sense if you have #diabetes

Makes sense if you have #diabetes